The Know Now Know How Network makes available to its members several studies and specialized documents in the various intervention areas of the Network. 



Access to Universities in the EU: A Regional and Territorial Analysis

It was published a study on the theme of “Access to Universities in the EU: A Regional and Territorial Analysis”, done together by the European Higher Education Registry (ETER) and the DG REGIO.

Combining the information on the location of universities and number of students with the extent and demographic characteristics of European cities, the work showed that in the EU and in the area of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), an average of four out of five people live within a 45-minute drive of the main campus of at least one university. However, in one of the five NUTS-3 regions, the majority of the population cannot reach a university in 45 minutes. These regions together represent 14% of the EU, plus the EFTA population. Most regions with low access to a university are located in the eastern Member States.

ETER is a database that provides a central set of data on Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that offer courses at the tertiary level in Europe. It provides data on descriptors and regulatory characteristics, geographic information, students and graduates, personnel, expenses with HEIs, research and transfer activities, and a set of predefined indicators that characterize the relevant dimensions of HEI activities.

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Documents of the Network Plenary Reunion – January 10th, 2018

Report and Activities Plan [ + ]

Presentation // Collaboration Academia - Industry [ + ]

Project NEMO [ + ]

Project Safety Instructions Card [ + ]


Economic Enquiry Eurochambers 2018

The results of the Eurochambers Economic Survey 2018 were released. The main results point to the confidence and optimism of entrepreneurs regarding the growth of their businesses and the growth of employment in general. Regarding concerns, the lack of qualified workers and with the required skills appears in second place and for the first time in a survey of this type (carried out in 50,000 companies).

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People, Machines, Robots and Skills

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Developing, Valuing and Informing the Teaching and Professional Formation Policy 

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Professions with Deficit and Excess of Skills in Europe

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The Digital Added Value: In the digital age, digital skills are not enough

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Conclusions of the 1st Forum of Civil Protection and Disasters

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Conclusions of the 1st Sectorial Meeting > Hotel, Catering and Tourism

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Presentation – Launching Session of the Network

Dra. Tânia Carraquico | Dr. Tânia Carraquico | Coordinator of the Network | General Secretary of ISEC Lisboa
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Dra. Ana Cláudia Valente | Univerisdade Católica Portuguesa | Greater Employability Consortium
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Eng.º Manuel Pinheiro Grilo | CIP – Corporate Confederation of Portugal | Director of CEMFIM – Professional Formation Centre of the Metallurgical and Metalworking Industry
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