Being the main objective the promotion of the articulation between educational institutions (higher or secondary and professional training) and employers, as well as contributing to local, regional and national development, the Know Now Know How Network develops its performance in close liaison with partners and according to the needs and priorities communicated by them.
The Know Now Know How Network gathers in general assembly with all partners twice a year, moments in which the presentations of the works carried out and the activity plans for the future are made. The sessions usually have a theme aligned with national and European priorities in terms of education, employability, qualification and research.
In addition to the two major annual meetings, the Know Now Know How Network meets separately with partners whenever it is on the agenda to deal with relevant matters by sector of activity, such as:
• The creation of new training offers for a specific sector or area of knowledge;
• Survey of training needs tailored to a specific sector of activity;
• Survey of I&DT needs in a specific sector of activity and / or area of knowledge;
• Presentation of I&DT projects in progress or to be started;
• Challenge and partner entities, considering the development of joint initiatives.
In all meetings, conclusions are issued and disseminated by the Network's partners.
In addition to meetings with partners, the Network develops several studies and projects with and for the community, such as forums, conferences, pilot projects, I&DT projects, which can be consulted in more detail in the "Projects" area.
Considering the goal of promoting the employability of graduates in the schools that are part of the network, Know Now Know How also has a platform dedicated exclusively to recruitment, where partner companies can advertise their job and internship offers, and where they can access a set of standardized and pre-validated curriculum vitae of students from partner schools that are part of the network, by level of training and qualification.
Moreover, the Network also provides information and aid to companies on support measures for contracting and raising funds and financing.
The network works in a very flexible way and has wide growth margins, it being made of everything that its partners do.